Concussion Charge GeneratorFull unit name: Concussion Charge Generator
Last updated: 23.08.2024 23:28:38
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (11)
Bringing Down the Hammer (2) »
Hot Pursuit (1) »
Fall of the Locust (1) »
Raid on the Endar Spire (1) »
Last Battle of the Endar Spire (2) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (1) »
Making Trouble (1) »
Armed and Dangerous (1) »
The Shroud's Gambit (1) »
The concussion charge generator - also known as a shockwave, proximity pulse, concussion pulse or proximity repulser - was a small, portable, high-tech combat device that was used during and after the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
When activated, it created a powerful shockwave up to 8 meters around the user, knocking down everything in the affected area. It had a cooldown of about 18-20 seconds before it could be activated again. It could either be worn by a person or installed on a droid.
See also
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Republic Army
Black Sun
The Shroud's Network
Advozse Hegemony
Death's Claw
Kintan Kings
The Locust Scavengers
Characters who used this weapon or equipment
Droid models that used this weapon or equipment
COLB-A02 Base Droid
IND-A01 Industrial Droid
Sentient species who used this weapon or equipment

Full unit name: Concussion Charge Generator Last updated: 23.08.2024 23:28:38